There’s absolutely no reason to read this but you’re here so you might as well..

These are my letters to the void…full of book, movie & tv show reviews and rantings with some randomness between


Hi! I’m Zahra Sanoj, a teenage muslim blogger and my blog will be a series of letters to the “void” filled with my thoughts about certain books, movies, TV shows and generally just my thoughts about the world. It can range from talking about my writing journey to crazy cat stories (trust me)! This blog is some thing I’m making for me to create a place for me to write whatever I feel and as a place to outlet my writing! All my blogs will be formatted as letters which I address to the void (my personal void) -a place I created to just write I guess! If you are still reading this, which is probably unlikely, I just want you to know that I’m honored and you have really made my day!!

Zahra Sanoj
Some pictures depicting me!


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